FCC Rule: Please check your radio. It's Part 95 v.. Part 97. Here's more info.
Those creating "dual purpose radios should be aware of possible consequences'
When the need arises for amateurs and emergency responders to report, digital reporting of damages, accidents, medical incidents and other issues will require accurate reports. FL Digi makes it happen.
"How To Practice It."
We are now meeting at 1000 on Saturday following the 4C's 3 repeater check-in which begins at 0900.
Please join us.
4C's EMCOMM Page
"Why FL Digi?"
A comparison of digital messaging and voice communication. Speed and
accuracy are important.
Amateur Radio Included in FEMA Guide for National Emergency Preparedness
Click Logo for a copy.
"FL Digi Set Up"
Rick has a very thorough and complete setup video.
Saturday morning Net Controllers will find protocols on the NETS page
"How To Lern It"
Here is an online tutorial that will help you get a handle on FL Digi. Thanks to the folks that created this learning aid. This is how I am teaching myself to use NBEMS.